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WVC Jazz Ensemble's Latest Album! June 2021


Purnama. A bright full Moon, perfect. It lights up the whole of human civilisation. The Moon is timeless, and yet we use its phases to compute and comprehend time, to mark change, to symbolise the repetitive cycles of the world. It presents a different face each night, different versions of itself, the light as well as the hidden dark, as it waxes and wanes endlessly.

The image of a new Moon seemed somehow to capture the spirit of those times, for Malaysia’s national anthem,


shares its melody

with a gorgeous 

love song made

popular in the


‘Terang Bulan’,

and also with

‘Mamula Moon’ 

or ‘Moonlight Song’


or ‘Moonlight in the

Southern Sea’ 南海月夜.

Perhaps these songs,

I thought, showed us the

glint of light on the new

road taken.

WVC’s latest album

Purnama includes

12 songs rearranged, performed by acclaimed Malaysian musicians. 

Order Now! 

Listen Here: 

Purnama Now! 
Physical Album (with Digital Download) priced at RM 60. Delivery to anywhere in Malaysia Peninsula please add RM 10
Please transfer the payment to account at: 
Tay Cher Siang
Please email the receipt to or Whatsapp to +60173643202


Thanks for your order! We shall contact you soon! Stay safe stay healthy! 

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